Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trying out my new voice Recognition software

The time is 4:01 PM. I'm sitting at my desk. The sun is streaming through the window catching the corner of my desk. The room is warm, the air is a little stale, dusty. I'm speaking into my computer and have decided not to edit anything I say. It's a test, for my computer, and for my ego. Can I post something without caring what anyone will think?

I'm speaking into an empty room, literally and figuratively. Daisy, our dog, is lying in the full sun, sleeping like she's dead. She's not listening. The clock ticks against the silence, lulling me, tricking me to speak in its rhythm. It's 4:10 PM, and even though I'm speaking, it still takes me nine minutes to write two paragraphs.

The clock ticks and taunts: "why the blank stare? Write!"

It's 7:47 PM. The sky is dark. But I can see the lights from the city. Sarah has taken Daisy for a walk. I'm done for now.

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